
June 25, 2009

Woeful This lady sprung up on my papers today. I think she’s a bit Mucha-esque. I find it a little funny that I’ve been drawing the female form so much recently considering how sceptical I am of my own body and shape. She’s growing into someone new on another sheet which I’ll upload when she’s finished.

Random Scribblings

June 24, 2009

Random ScribblingsRandom mind scribblings from my desk. Closeness is on my mind… I’m all in a muddle.


June 23, 2009



June 20, 2009



I can’t think today. My mind refuses to function over the pain I’m in.  Fissions splinter through me and I arch myself away from it. I’m washed out and exhausted; spent from the discomfort but unable to sleep.

Get Out.

June 18, 2009

Get Out

Get Out

You’re in my head.
Please leave.
You weren’t invited.

Throw your head back

Throw your head back

My fever pitch scribblings have continued today and I’ve been working on my earlier sketch this time in ink to try and establish a form. It’s nowhere near finished yet – I think I’ll need to do the torso and arms from photos/models but I’m much more pleased with the line of her hair and the line weights.

Throw your head back

June 17, 2009

Throw your head back

Throw your head back

I’ve got a thing for swirls at the moment, it seems. Maybe it’s my mind rejecting my architectural education which tells me that things should be orthographic or maybe it just reflects my current mindset. Either way and for whatever reason, the anfractuous lines are here to stay. I find it funny, also, that I’ve been drawing woman with long hair; I have very long hair myself and I’ve been thinking seriously about cutting it. Maybe I’m more attached to it that I first thought? Or maybe I’m just reading into my insane inane little doodles that actually mean nothing! This scribble is about the feeling when you tip your neck back, relaxing your head into the wind as it pours around you.

Tension and Line

June 16, 2009



Forgive the terrible scan quality; my computer is getting rather old and decrepit which means my scanner driver doesn’t seem to want to work. Anyhow, dancing has been my passion for a long time. I remember at the age of five repeatedly asking my Mum to put on classical music so I could swirl around our living room being a ‘ballerina’. It sounds cliché but I love being in tune with the music, tailoring my movements to the tempo. Injury prevents me from indulging too often – it makes me angry that my body doesn’t do what I want it to – but it hasn’t dampened my love for dance. I love the pleasing lines and the graceful tension that shoots through the dancers muscles.

Swirling Woman

June 16, 2009

Swirling Woman

Swirling Woman

Very quick (literally only a few minutes work) doodle. Quite liking the concept so might take this one a bit further given time.


June 14, 2009



Everything leads me to you