Throw your head back

June 17, 2009

Throw your head back

Throw your head back

I’ve got a thing for swirls at the moment, it seems. Maybe it’s my mind rejecting my architectural education which tells me that things should be orthographic or maybe it just reflects my current mindset. Either way and for whatever reason, the anfractuous lines are here to stay. I find it funny, also, that I’ve been drawing woman with long hair; I have very long hair myself and I’ve been thinking seriously about cutting it. Maybe I’m more attached to it that I first thought? Or maybe I’m just reading into my insane inane little doodles that actually mean nothing! This scribble is about the feeling when you tip your neck back, relaxing your head into the wind as it pours around you.

One Response to “Throw your head back”

  1. Mike said

    Thats a hard angle to draw from. Did you reference it with a mirror or another image? Not just because I’m male but looks a tad like throws of ecstasy.

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